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Ad eiusmod ad commodo aute fugiat labore. Ipsum id occaecat reprehenderit ullamco. Reprehenderit et ad sint ullamco labore commodo aliquip et anim ex commodo. Anim nisi esse aliqua aute. Culpa enim nulla et enim id minim minim consequat adipisicing culpa cillum. Qui id laborum laboris tempor fugiat. Qui officia consequat pariatur exercitation sint.


Luthor can be installed into any Dart project using the following command:

Terminal window
dart pub add luthor

If you’re using Flutter, you can also use the following command:

Terminal window
flutter pub add luthor

Installing Code Generation Packages

Luthor can be used with code generation using build_runner optionally. To use code generation, you need to add the following dependencies as well:

Terminal window
dart pub add dev:build_runner dev:luthor_generator

If you’re using Flutter, you can also use the following command:

Terminal window
flutter pub add dev:build_runner dev:luthor_generator

And you’re all set! You can now start using Luthor in your project.