To make a value required, you can use the required modifier. This will ensure that the value is not null.
import 'package:luthor/luthor.dart'; void main() { final validator = l.string().required(); print(validator.validateValue('Hello'));}
Note: When using code generation, using the required keyword in the Freezed class will make the value required automatically.
import 'package:luthor/luthor.dart';import 'package:freezed_annotation/freezed_annotation.dart'; part 'required_schema.freezed.dart';part 'required_schema.g.dart'; @freezed@luthorclass RequiredSchema extends _$RequiredSchema { const factory RequiredSchema({ // Adds the required modifier to the value required String value, }) = _$RequiredSchema; static SchemaValidationResult<RequiredSchema> validate( Map<String, dynamic> json, ) => _$RequiredSchemaValidate(json); factory RequiredSchema.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$RequiredSchemaFromJson(json);} void main() { print(RequiredSchema.validate({'value': 'Hello'}));}