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Validation results


When validating a value, the validateValue method returns a SingleValidationResult object. This object is an instance of a sealed class that can be either a SingleValidationSuccess or a SingleValidationError.


import 'package:luthor/luthor.dart';
void main() {
final validator = l.string();
final successResult = validator.validateValue('Hello, World!');
final errorResult = validator.validateValue(42); // This should be a string but it is a number
switch (successResult) {
case SingleValidationSuccess(data: final String data):
print(data); // Hello, World!
case SingleValidationError(data: final String data, errors: final List<String> errors):
print('Error: ${errors}'); // This will not be executed
switch (errorResult) {
case SingleValidationSuccess(data: final String data):
print(data); // This will not be executed
case SingleValidationError(data: final String data, errors: final List<String> errors):
print('Error: ${errors}'); // Error: [value is not a string]

You can also use the isValid property to check if the validation was successful:

print(successResult.isValid); // true
print(errorResult.isValid); // false


When using the validateSchema method on a Map to validate a schema, the validateSchema method returns a SchemaValidationResult object. This object is an instance of a sealed class that can be either a SchemaValidationSuccess or a SchemaValidationError.


import 'package:luthor/luthor.dart';
void main() {
final validator = l.schema({
'name': l.string(),
'age': l.number(),
'address': l.schema({
'street': l.string(),
'city': l.string(),
final successResult = validator.validateSchema({
'name': 'John Doe',
'age': 42,
'address': {
'street': '123 Main St',
'city': 'Anytown',
final errorResult = validator.validateSchema({
'name': 'John Doe',
'age': '42', // This should be a number but it is a string
'address': {
'street': '123 Main St',
// 'city' is missing but it is required
switch (successResult) {
case SchemaValidationSuccess(data: final Map<String, dynamic> data):
print(data); // {name: John Doe, age: 42, address: {street: 123 Main St, city: Anytown}}
case SchemaValidationError(data: final Map<String, dynamic> data, errors: final Map<String, List<String>> errors):
print('Error: ${errors}'); // This will not be executed
switch (errorResult) {
case SchemaValidationSuccess(data: final Map<String, dynamic> data):
print(data); // This will not be executed
case SchemaValidationError(data: final Map<String, dynamic> data, errors: final Map<String, List<String>> errors):
print('Error: ${errors}'); // Error: {age: [value is not a number], address: {city: [value is required]}}

You can also use the isValid property to check if the validation was successful:

print(successResult.isValid); // true
print(errorResult.isValid); // false

When dealing with a SchemaValidationError, you can use the getError() method to get first the error message for a specific key or nested key using a dot-separated path. If there no errors for the specified key, it will return null.

print(errorResult.getError('')); // value is required