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Defining Schemas

Luthor has a concept of “schemas” which are used to define the structure of the data that you want to validate. Essentially, a schema is a Map that defines the structure of the data that you want to validate. The keys of the Map are the names of the fields that you want to validate, and the values are the rules that you want to apply to those fields.

Here’s an example of a simple schema:

import 'package:luthor/luthor.dart';
void main() {
final person = l.schema({
'name': l.string().min(1).required(),
'name': 'John Doe',
'age': 30,

Above, we define a schema for a person object that has two fields: name and age. The name field is a required string that must have a minimum length of 1, and the age field is a required integer.

You can also define nested schemas:

import 'package:luthor/luthor.dart';
void main() {
final person = l.schema({
'name': l.string().min(1).required(),
'address': l.schema({
'street': l.string().required(),
'city': l.string().required(),
'zip': l.string().required(),
'name': 'John Doe',
'age': 30,
'address': {
'street': '123 Main St',
'city': 'Springfield',
'zip': '12345',